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The Groupe CB committed to proof

Purpose, CSR policy, commitments and convictions serve our daily actions

The Groupe CB is actively involved in actions that promote sustainable development by strengthening local communities through partnerships and cultural, sporting and economic initiatives.

Supporting more than 210 companies through the Réseau Entreprendre Côte d'Opale, investing 3% of its payroll in talent training, promoting a circular and ecological economy through innovation, the Groupe CB illustrates its social and environmental commitment through tangible actions.

Biodiversity & environmental protection

Working to protect the environment by reducing the impact of its industrial activities is an integral part of the Groupe CB's raison d'être.

At its various sites, the Groupe CB carries out actions aimed at preserving natural habitats, biodiversity and land redevelopment.

The Groupe CB, committed to local players and the most vulnerable populations

"Day after day, and for five generations, we have been forging and maintaining close ties with our environment. We take care to involve social, societal and economic players in our development initiatives."

Franck and Gilles Poulainn

Founding member of Réseau Entreprendre
Côte d'Opale

RECO is a network of business leaders created in 1997 under the aegis of André Mulliez and Daniel Poulain.

Its mission: to create and energize a community of committed business leaders, promote the preservation and creation of jobs on the Opale Coast by contributing to the succes of entrepreneurs (the laureates). To achieve this, the network is tasked with ensuring the success of each creator, acquier, or developer of a high-potential business by providing them with human and financial support, delevered by active business leaders.

+ more than 4.8 million euros

of Honor Loans paid out

+ 303 award-winning companies

supported by over 110 members

+ more than 2,900 jobs

created or saved

Founding partner of the association La Chartreuse de Neuville-sous-Montreuil

La Chartreuse de Neuville, a European cultural center dedicated to social and artistic innovation and a catalyst for rural development, has been reborn thanks to a unique hybrid model of social and cultural entrepreneurship. Chaired by Jean-Paul Delevoye and managed by Alexia Noyon, the Chartreuse de Neuville benefits from public and private funding and patronage.

Since 2008, Groupe CB has been one of the founding partners of the Chartreuse de Neuville, supporting the restoration project to ensure that this exceptional heritage contributes to the region's reputation.


The Groupe CB works closely with the Red Cross on a regular basis, actively committed to providing help and support to the most destitute and homeless people.


For several years now, Groupe CB has been involved with the association Les Clowns de l'Espoir, bringing joy and comfort to hospitalized children through playful and therapeutic activities.


Groupe CB has teamed up with APF France Handicap to assemble 100 cardboard color charts. These tools were made available to stakeholders involved in defining the Groupe CB's Purpose.


As part of the DUODAYS operation, and in line with its Raison d'Être, Groupe CB welcomed several disabled people into its departments, enabling them to discover the world and support functions inherent in an industrial group.


Around fifty work-study students and thirty interns are taken on each year in all the Groupe CB's business lines. In line with its HR policy, the Group's commitment to the future of young people was rewarded at the " Pépites de l'Alternance" ceremony.


Facilitating access to digital technology through the redistribution of reconditioned computer equipment. In recent months, Groupe CB has donated over 50 computers to associations and schools in the towns of Marquise, Offrethun and Calais, among others.